Thursday, June 10, 2010

What the h.e.double toothpicks is this? TLOTR Plush Toys?

Funko exploded and created a series of "TLOTR" Plush Doll Characters. Who the fricken thought of this one?

Seriously. Seriously!?!

Gandalf, Frodo, Legalos, and an ORC!?! (The Orc is the cute one.)

This is why Baynard should review this stuff. He actually enjoyed TLOTR and the walking trees.

However, for $9.99 each, these may end up on Bayard's desk or under his tree for Christmas.



Bayard Sartoris said...

Notice the ad now? You are pushing the things!

Robert said...

The Gandalf looks coolish. Of course I initially thought it was Moses, but still...

Robert said...

Still thinking Gandalf looks cool. "Red Sea Part!"