Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Something is Wrong With this Picture

Here are the facts that make this wrong:
  • Bobblehead
  • Dexter Bobblehead
  • Dexter with his baby Bobblehead
Some things should not exist, and I think that this one fits all three categories of why it shouldn't exist.

But the real question: What point makes it just totally wrong?
  • Bobblehead
  • Dexter
  • Baby
I know which one I would choose.

If you want IT, IT will be available August 2010.

Bayard's Thoughts
Zimm missed a key detail. Is the baby a bobble head as well? If so, then perhaps it should be reconsidered simply for its artistic value. (Of course, Dexter should have been in his kill outfit.)

Robert's 2 cents:
Here's what's wrong: If Dexter knew about this, he'd have to kill whoever came up with the idea. Except he only kills bad guys. I'm sure he'd figure out a loophole.

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