Thursday, April 26, 2012

Green Lantern Animated Series - Statues

Following up with a previous post, I thought I would give you a glimpse of the statues coming out of the Green Lantern: Animated Series.   Now that I am enjoying the series, I'm actually considering adding a couple of these to my collection.  (Still not a fan of the Hal Jordan statue.  Though, I will give it a second look after this post.)

Each statue is running around $125, which is not that bad for a statue, and they are using different sculptors for various pieces.  Take a look at Atrocitus and Saint Walker.  Before the series, I had seen the Atrocitus statue and had considered putting in an order.  Now that I know there will be an ENTIRE collection of these characters, you just never know.  Definitely some "Hot Buys".

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