Tuesday, April 27, 2010

What the.... Blammoids Series 4!?!

Seriously? Do we need more? Seriously! While I have to admit that I did get a kick out of the Flashs' lightening bolts and Hawkman's wings, I can not justify these in any way and/or manner. DC Direct must be stopped!

The real question is the type of conversation that you are going to have 15 or 20 years from now at some undefined convention.

You: "Ummm. Excuse me. Ummmm....do you happen to know where I can find the Martian Manhunter Blammoid?"

Vendor: "From the 3rd Series?"

You: "YEAH!"

Vendor: "No."

Avoid these at all costs....or keep looking at them and enjoying them in some unknown Bizarro world.

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