Thursday, April 15, 2010

Destination Truth

It has been a hectic week, and I came home to escape. A game of Halo only reinforced the failures of the week. Thankfully, Destination Truth was on SyFy. Cryptozoology at its most exciting.

As I have mentioned elsewhere, I have the sneaking suspicion that Josh Gates is not a true believer. (Now, Jason and Grant? They are zealots.) Anyway, Josh seems comfortable maintaining a tongue-in-cheek approach to his ventures into the spooky. Whether it is in the Mongolian deserts looking for a devil worm or on a small Mexican island covered with seriously creepy dolls, Josh maintains a quirky monologue that suggests it is all in fun, a means to an end--and the end is SyFy springing for another road trip with some of his buds. (See his map of cool destinations, and tell me he doesn't look a bit smug.)

Josh is fun until he slips, asking to be taken as seriously as Jason and Grant. And at that point, I am disappointed. (I mean it is not like he has the techno gear and professional affiliations.)

Wanting to change to her tele-novellas, the wife asks if I am actually watching. Of course not. Listening to the voice punctuated by the yelps of startled investigators is strangely comforting after a week at work with drama queens.


Unknown said...

I have watched a number of his shows, and I don't know if he is or isn't a 'true believer.'

To me, he seems to be a college frat boy who never got past the weekly road trips to whatever destination they come up with.

Bayard Sartoris said...

You know The Wife and The Kids say that he is a mirror image of you--just a much better attitude.

Bayard Sartoris said...
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