The coloring gives all of the characters a plastic texture--like new action figures fresh from the shrink wrap. And the demonic beasts all look to be distant relatives of the star of Alien. (A much more original representation of demons is in the episode of Millennium with four old men in a donut shop discussing their diabolic successes.)
The story line is as plastic and forced--a demon possessing people to to---well to do something that Batman just cannot allow.
DC looks to have poured some bucks into this one, but in the end, it is--despite the flashy packaging--unimaginative and almost boring. Stick with The Hood.
On a far different track, I just ordered Air and The House on the Borderland. Hopefully, both will fare better. I am curious if the Wildstorm badge differs markedly from Vertigo.
Note from Robert: Didn't Millennium steal that bit with the four old men as aliens from The Twilight Zone? Also the late 90s / early 2000s were not the best time to be a Batman fan.
Didn't Millennium steal that bit with the four old men as aliens from The Twilight Zone?
Also the late 90s / early 2000s were not the best time to be a Batman fan.
Wildstorm for a period of time was like the Vertigo of Super Heroes. Although I can't say I like much of what they have done since they rebooted a few years ago. I'd stick to late Image Wildstorm through 2006 or 2007 DC Wildstorm. So from say 1996 through 2007. I especially like The Authority, Storm Watch, Planetary, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Tom Strong, Promethea (but it's one of those things where I like it about every other time I read it), and some issues/runs of Gen 13 & DV8.
We have discussed League elsewhere--and I agree. It is a rich, entertaining read.
I am halfway through Panetary 2--and enjoying it. Original, engaging stuff.
Which Twilight Zone? The alien in the diner?
That's the one I'm thinking of. It's one of my favorites.
I have to say Planetary is on my "If you were on a deserted island and could only have x graphic novels with you" list.
Agreed. It is smart and innovative. I am discovering that I am not a big fan of the superhero works--but Planetary is a definite exception. The creators have yet to fall into that trap of equating shock--sex or violence--with cutting edge.
I think you're going to love the end of the series (volume 4).
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