Distributor Bowen Designs
Sculpted by The Kucharek Brothers
Size 17"h
Release July 2010
Price $225.00
Zimm's Two Cents
Before I start, let me remind you - the Kucharek Brothers do some incredible pieces. As I have stated in the past, they are a favorite of mine, and I tend to bias their pieces from the start.
With that said,....
Points in Favor
- It is the Kucharek Brothers. Detail, color, extras. Par for the course.
- Look at the base. I love when they consider a rockin' base to go with the statue. The detail on the gargoyle alone are awesome.
- Wings! Look at the Wings!
- Interchangeable head. You can have a "Blackie Drago" head instead. Personally, I would probably keep the "Blackie Drago" head.
- While Robert may disagree, I even like the paint and colors. So, I have nothing.
Having read your comments and Robert's--have to say this is a great base. The brick and gargoyle are cool.
Zimm left out another bias he has with this piece. It matches his Spider-Man and Green Goblin statues, which were some of the first in his collection.
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