Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Bowen Designs: White Queen

Over the holidays, Bowen release a series of statues from Ultimate Captain America, Modern Black Panther, and two versions of the White Queen. Two White Queens!

Distributed By Bowen Designs
Sculpted By Mark Newman
-- Modern April 2010
-- Retro May 2010
Size 12" H
-- Modern $180
-- Retro $170

Zimm's Two Cents
Sometimes you can have to many Queens in one place, but I don't think that this is one of the times.

Points in Favor
  • You get to pick the one that you like more. I like the Modern version.
  • Mark Newman is the sculptor. If you've been reading some of my posts, I tend to like his work.
  • Slightly different poses for the same character. Instead of the same pose with costume change.
  • Little touches of detail. The lipstick change, the belt, the boots.
Points Against
  • Base is bland for a Bowen - bet it heads to the Bronzer.
  • Not sure I like the lipstick colors - even though they are accurate.
Recommendation: Buy. These look to be some nice pieces, but HEY, I warned you. I tend to enjoy Mark Newman's stuff.

Also, some guy's might enjoy having a scantly clad White Queen hovering around their office, so it is probably more of a buy for you.

Robert's Two Cents
Zimm, this is a side of you I didn't know existed.

These are both very nice. I do prefer the Diamond Select White Queen statue from a few (several now) years ago (Google it).

Points in Favor
  • I like the modern one too. The exception is I prefer the hair, face, and red lipstick on the retro one better.
  • This is going to sound like I'm singing along with the choir with Zimm this time around.
  • I like the multiple poses. The poses actually fit the eras from which Emma Frost wore these two costumes.
  • A side note based on the previous bullet point: the retro White Queen looks older than the modern White Queen. The same thing is true in the comics. The classic White Queen (think John Byrne era) looks older than the modern one (John Cassaday).
  • Base? There's a base? Didn't notice.
Points Against
  • This isn't really a point against the statue, but the character design itself. I don't like the white lipstick on the modern one.
  • The pose of the retro one is a bit too tame. She was fierce even then.
Recommendation: Buy. I'm really surprised Zimm and I agree on this one based on the subject.

Very nice. Buy whichever one you prefer. Me, I choose the modern one.

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