Friday, January 08, 2010

Bowen Designs: Captain America Ultimate

Distributed By Bowen Designs
Sculpted by Tron and Randy Bowen
Size 13.5" H
Release Spring 2010
Price $200.00
Zimm's Two Cents
I already have Captain America. In fact, I have two Captain Americas. If I had bought the bust, that would have made 3 Captain Americas. How many Caps do I need?

Points in Favor
  • Detail. And when I say "detail", I mean DETAIL.
  • Good sculpting, but were the details just added to a previous piece?
  • Website Exclusive means limited run - until they bronze it.
  • If I mentioned the belt, gloves, boots, or shield straps - I would simply be talking about the detail again.
Points Against.
  • Smudged Pants.
  • Another bland base. What's happening here?
  • Another Cap? How many (of the same general pose) can a person collect?
Recommendation: Neutral. For me it is a Pass. If you love Cap or the Ultimate line, it is a decent piece, but I prefer the variety that Bowen puts out on a more regular basis. Personally - I would go grab the Ant Man....or Havok. OR - EVEN BETTER YET - Grab that awesome Gladiator piece!


Bayard Sartoris said...

This guy is stunning. He looks like a hero from our past, from our age of empire trouncing.

Of course his pants are smudged. He is not from the age of hand sanitizers.

The boots, though, look clunky. They are not nearly as stylin' or period as the spats on the other Cap. Again though, we kicked butt on two empires at once in cluncky boots.

If the wife would cough up the bucks, I'd snap him up. But I need someplace to sleep at night.

Robert said...


Seriously though, it is a good looking piece and this is one place where Bowen did a good job with their splotchy paint style.

The boots may not be as authentic to the period, they are a closer blend of something authentic to the period and a super hero costume.

One nit picky thing, I'd prefer his mask conceal his eye brows.