Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Umbrella Academy PVC Set Revisited

I can admit I'm wrong. I now have these in my possession, due to no efforts of my own. These are very nice PVCs. The Spaceboy is terrific. The other siblings look good as well.

I am still anxiously awaiting action figures or small statues of the Umbrella Academy family. For the time being these PVC figures are really nice. They will look really nice next to some of the other PVCs I own (Hellboy, Grendel, etc.). The only downside to these is, they're actually much nicer than the other PVC sets I own. I still want figures in Gabriel Ba's style and in the same scale as Mezco's Hellboy Comic Book figures.

First the Points in Favor:
  • The Spaceboy looks really, really good.
  • They really nailed Spaceboy.
  • Vanya looks pretty good.
  • For the most part, the characters look like Gabriel Ba's artwork.
  • Great packaging.
  • They look pretty good for PVCs.
  • The price isn't too bad. I think the Hellboy PVCs were going for about $30 when they came out several years ago, and the packaging and production values of these are much better. I really liked the Hellboy PVCs.
Points Against:
  • Number 5, Rumor, and Seance could have used a little more attention in the detailing, but are still nice looking figures.
  • The Umbrella and packaging would be even cooler if they were a base.
Rating: Hot Buy. I really wanted the Spaceboy. The others I can still live without, but as a group they look really nice together on a shelf. I'd love to see the packaging be able to easily used as a display stand, but overall, I'd buy it if I had to go back and do it again. I'd almost pay half that amount

Get your own here.

Update: I'm going to do another post focusing on the Spaceboy later this week.


Unknown said...

So - what do you think of Spaceboy?

Robert said...

That may even be worth a short post of its own.