Tuesday, June 30, 2009

DC Comics - Blackest Night

I have never really been a big fan of the Green Lantern series. Even as part of the JLA, I wasn't that concerned with which individual was bearing the ring at any particular time - this included the rampage, death, and the introduction of a new lantern. While I have always thought of the Green Lantern Corps as the premier space Corps team, I still maintained a disinterest in what was occurring over in GL or the GL Corps.

That was until I read the precursor for the Sinestro War and thought that I had to pickup that series. (A series which my then current comic store forgot to add to my list after reminding him several times. I go to another local shop now).

The war lead me to the Blackest Night, and to be honest, I almost dropped off after the Sinestro War, as the Blackest Night series sounded cliche. I was oh-so wrong.

This is the series that I wait for in anticipation. The first books that I read when found within my weekly pull. The series that has more cohesion and intertwining parts then the Dark Reign crossovers (Marvel is losing me again with all of the crossovers). And the series that reminds me that there is a reason that the traditional 'tried and true heroes' are always the best and lay the foundations for some of the best stories.

Now, to top things off, this image ties the Blackest Night with one of my all time favorite Teen Titan stories. My only dilemma is how soon do I get my hands on the next issue.

IGN has a great site dedicated to this series. You can find it here.

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