Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Review of Amazing Spider-Man #600


Okay, before we get into this review; a bit of a disclaimer. I have not enjoyed Spider-Man since Brand New Da-DISASTER. You do not wipe out a character because you are not sure what to do with her. At least be bold enough to kill her off, instead of having the hero make some kind of stupid deal with the dev-Okay, that's enough of that.

The review, right, sorry.

I enjoyed Amazing Spider-Man #600. It had one of my favorite Spider-Man villains in it, and he goes through a major, and believable, change. There were some touching moments in the book between Aunt May and Peter Parker, and some hilarious ones featuring J. Jonah Jameson.

Best of all, Mary Jane is back. It seems as though Quesada finally got the message he cannot just do away with everything waving his magic retcon wand and expect all of us Marvel Zombies to say, "Duh, ooookaaay!"

There are limits, you character-molesting fiend!

This book gives me hope that the folks at Marvel are waking up and smelling the falling sales numbers for Amazing Spider-Man. It is not the seventies anymore. Put Spider-Man back in his proper continuity.

Think of all this as you read Amazing Spider-Man #600, and it becomes an even better read than it already is.


Unknown said...

I feel that Spider-Man has had no true direction for the last few years; thus, the reason that I do not have him as one of my pulls.

Robert said...

I completely agree on Spider-Man. I've only read the occasional issue for a few years now. I dropped it as a pull shortly after the Gwen Stacy's kids arc. It's very, very rare for me to pick it up in the post One More Day era. So, it's refreshing to hear they may be rounding that corner and bringing him back to being readable.

Unknown said...

Well, they certainly have to do something. You don't go unrinating all over your flagship character and expect to do well.