Thursday, February 19, 2009
Bumblebee Mighty Mugg
OK, I think I'm going to lose it. I really don't like the Transformers Mighty Muggs. The Bumblebee picture to the right should provide plenty of evidence as to why.
While I do have a Mighty Mugg collection of my own comprising of Marvel & Star Wars characters and I could see me picking up some of the GI Joe ones, I can't say I'll be buying any of these. Just because something works with a few properties, it doesn't mean you have to go with the same idea for all of them.
While if any Transformer can pull off cute, it's Bumblebee, this is just wrong. Next up, My Little Pony Transformers line.
Sidebar: If I go to Heroes Con in June and I can find the civilian Wolverine Mighty Mugg, I'm going to try to get Brubaker to autograph it. It looks just like him.
Sidebar 2: While I'm on a Hasbro kick, what happens to all of the Easy Bake Ovens in the US when the incandescent light bulb ban goes into effect?
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