Saturday, February 21, 2009

Ame-Comi: Batgirl V.2

While Sideshow has some others that I want to talk about, I stumbled upon some new Ame-Comi Statues. I am really enjoying this series. I'm not collecting any, as the ones that I have bought I have given as gifts, but I do enjoy their spin on the characters.

Produced By: DC Direct
Designed By: Paitoon Ratan
Dimensions: 9"
Type: PVC Statue
Edition Size: Limited Edition
Ship Date: April 2009
Estimated Price: $59.99

Zimm's Two Cents
You have to take into account, this is an Ame-Comi interpretation of the characters.

Points In Favor:
  • I like the more "goth" take on the modern day Batgirl.
  • The batarangs and the bats are what first caught my eye, and then it was ...
  • The cape, while wrapped around her feet would make her fall, to me it was still a relatively nice touche.
Points Against
  • Not certain how big of a fan I am of the Vinyl Statues.
  • My niece would want to see the shoes.
  • Not quite certain that she should have so much yellow.
Recommendation: Neutral for me, but a Buy, if you are collecting the series.

Robert's Two Cents

Points In Favor:
  • The batarangs, bats, and cape are all excellent details.
Points Against
  • The stitching on the inside of her thighs with her skin showing makes her look like she was naughty and Batman had her legs sewed together to punisher.
  • Except for the color scheme she looks more like Scarecrowgirl than Batgirl.
  • The PVC statues prices have gone up enough to make me seriously question which of these I pick up.
Recommendation: Pass. I like the Ame Comi series and even own a few (Power Girl, Wonder Woman, the first Batgirl, and Troia), but this one doesn't do it for me as a collectible. I'd rather see you spend your money on the new Catwoman that's coming out.

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