Wednesday, February 04, 2009

RASL by Jeff Smith

RASL: The Drift by Jeff Smith and published by Smith's own Cartoon Books.

First a confession, I've never read Bone. I started it when the Bone: One Volume Edition was released a few years back, but I never finished. I don't think I even read the equivalent of the first trade. Don't get me wrong it was good, but I wasn't hooked. I'm digging the One Volume Edition out this weekend and trying it out again mostly on RASL's merits.

I just read the first trade in Jeff Smith's current series, RASL. It rocks. RASL is an intergalactic thief and as most good heist stories go, the job goes south immediately and it's up to RASL to straighten things out. Unfortunately, like with Richard Stark's Parker, they seem to be headed further south. Actually, Parker is a pretty good comparison. I would be surprised to find out Jeff Smith hadn't read at least one Parker novel. This really is a classic heist story.

Points in Favor:
  • Good, solid storytelling.
  • Edge of your seat reading.
  • Great heist story.
  • Good, solid art. Jeff Smith's people remind me a lot of Wendy Pini's artwork, which is a good thing.
  • Oversized trade. I love reading comics in this larger size. (Absolute Planetary anyone?)
  • Additional pages from what was published in the comics. I love this in series I buy in trade and hate it in ones I buy as singles.
Points Against:
  • I'ts black & white. Now I realize this isn't an issue for everyone, but for me it's hard to read a comic book that is black & white. The irony is some of my favorite comics (Queen & Country, Sin City & Usagi Yojimbo) are black & white. With RASL, it works for the story. More a personal hang up than an actual negative.
  • Quick read. Again, not a huge problem, just something to keep in mind. I think it contains about four issues of material, plus a few added story pages.
  • Oversized trade. While I love the size for reading purposes, it becomes difficult to find a place to put it on my book shelf or in my comic boxes.
Definitely a recommended read. I'd give it a B (or a Hot Buy).

If you enjoy RASL: The Drift, you might also like:

Bone in color:

Or you can read it in black & white in one volume:

There is also an interview about the real and "fringe" science in RASL over at The Pulse, if you're interested in such things.

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