Sigh! I'm really not sure what's going to happend to Heroes next season. First, last week we get the news that Jeph Loeb and Jesse Alexander have been fired from the writing staff. Now we hear that the Heroes Game has been cancelled by Ubisoft and they've given the rights back to Universal. Of course this largely goes back to the abbreviated season due to the writers strike last season.
Further, the direction the show has taken this season has bordered on "jumping the shark". First, in my opinion, didn't Mohinder "cure" some of the characters last season? At least as far as he knew? So why does he need to do further research to "cure" Maya? Plus, Mohinder doesn't strike me as the type to inject himself with an untested formula like that.
One of the main issues fans have brought up in the past is the size of the cast. How did they address that this season? They added more characters and plotlines. With that they lost what was one of potentially the most interesting characters, Micah, in the process of eliminating the only plotline they cut.
Since Peter and Nathan's dad isn't dead, are we supposed to believe any character that has died is really dead? This eliminates the sense of worry we may have for any character. If someone dies, like Niki, guess what? She may be back. It's bad enough, you have four different characters that all have/had healing powers , now we have resurrection and/or faked death scenarios.
I do find it interesting how they killed the one self healer they did kill this season. Is Mr. Petrelli supposed to be a male version of Rogue? I've never believed a person with a healing/aging factor would die when they lost their powers due to rapid aging. It doesn't make sense. They should begin to age at a normal rate from that day forward. Of course, that is the only way you could kill one of these characters.
What's up with Angela? She was almost a good guy last season. Are we supposed to believe Sylar is just misunderstood?
What do I think they should have done? Maybe, just maybe, they should have picked up the third arc of the story as planned instead of changing the ending of the second arc. It would have put them closer to where they had originally planned for the fourth story, which is now the third part, Villains. But of course that's just my opinion.
Final thought, I hope Heroes is around for many more seasons, I'm just not sure it will.
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