Monday, September 23, 2013

DC Comics Bombshells: Wonder Woman

This is the first in a new line of DC Statues featuring the Women of DC. Based on pinups of the ‘40s and ‘50s (that’s 1940s and 1950s to you whipper snappers), this whole line intrigues me since I love ‘40s and ‘50s pinups and I love the Women of DC.

DC has a promo video featuring the statue. It’s just a bunch of shots of the statue with the occasional view of the design artwork. Neat but missable.


Distributor: DC Direct
Sculptor: Tim Miller
Height: 10.1”
Available: May 2013 (Yes. I know I’m late. Sorry!)
Price: $124.95 but I found it for $99.99 at Gamestop.

Robert’s Two Cents:


  • It’s a really cool sculpt of Wonder Woman.
  • The paint is awesome.
  • The right balance of cartoony and comic book realistic.
  • The base is cool even though it features the same picture the statue is based on.
  • Price. At $124.95 this piece is affordable.


  • As one commenter on the video points out, I’m not sure Wonder Woman and Rockabilly go together.


Hot Buy! It’s a great tribute to Wonder Woman and Rosie the Riveter. I think that’s what I like most about it. I’m no feminist but there’s something compelling about the story of Rosie the Riveter and the women of the ‘40s stepping into the work force and taking on jobs that the men held exclusively up to that point. The is the right mix of sexy and empowered woman. She is strong, confident, and beautiful at the same time. Overall, it’s a nice piece at a great price.

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