Sunday, June 17, 2012

SyFy "Eats Up" the Summer

What can I say, I had a bit of a bump between my last post and this post.  Doesn't mean that I had given up on my enjoyment of "B-Movies."   To be honest, some of them don't even deserve a "B-Movie" Rating. 

Just last night, I was laying down to catch up my kingdom (in "Kingdom Age") on my iPad, when WA-LA - there was "Piranhaconda!"

I had to watch!

While not the campy gore of Sharktopus, Piranhaconda offered a semi-serious story of screaming botoxed women.  Men are usually not botoxed on SyFy.  Prinhaconda offered plenty of gore, but in some cases, the people were consumed "way too fast." 

I'm certain that it will be replaying; however, next week is "Arachnoquake".  Some how, I'm not 100% certain about this one.   2-Headed Shark, Sharktopus, and Prianhaconda.  Those are worthy creatures. 

Like the 2-Headed Shark, I am debating Piranha 3DD.   The trailer is too funny!   I fail to see how a straight guy would not watch the show.   LOL

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