Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Bowen Designs X-Factor Jean Grey

Distributor Bowen Designs
Sculptor Mark Newman and Randy Bowen (hair and costume)
Size Over 12 1/2 inches
Type Statue
Release February 2011
Run Size TBD
Price $225.00

Robert's Two Cents

This is from one of my favorite periods of X-Men history. X-Factor was a great title for a while. This costume was best drawn by Walt Simonson.

Points in Favor
  • The colors are great. I'm a little iffy on the yellow, but I'm holding out hope it turns out better on the actual pieces.
  • The hair. It's great!
  • It's Mark Newman and Randy Bowen! That's a match made in heaven.
Points Against
  • The base is blah! I've bought worse though.
  • The energy signature should probably have more color.
  • I'd like the face to be just a little softer, but it's not keeping me from purchasing this one.

Recommendation: HOT BUY! I love it! She looks great. I'm looking forward to the eventual obvious Cyclops piece to go with it. And if I didn't already have a Beast, I'd really be looking forward to the Beast.

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