Monday, July 26, 2010

Can't Get Here Soon Enough: Diablo III

I have enjoyed the Diablo series since day 1.

I'm not a die-hard Diablo fan, but it is one of the few games that I have enjoyed time after time - after time.  In fact, I was thinking of downloading 1 and 2.  Though, I tend to prefer 1 over 2, and I really wasn't that thrilled with the extension packs.  

I just watched some video's of the final battles for both 1 and 2, which was something that I have never done before.  It was interesting to see how other people finished their battles - what spells and weapons they used.  Interesting enough, I tend to use defensive spells offensively.  Never realized it before, but it is something that I tend to repeat in a lot of the games that I play.

You have probably already seen it, but here it is again:

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