Wednesday, April 21, 2010

What the.....Marvel Capsules

I'm exhausted. Sorry about the lack of posts, but I am exhausted. In order to buy my toys, I have to work. In order to post, I need the time. Sadly, the work sometimes interferes with the post, which interferes with the fun.

Despite the exhaustion, I (of course) had the time and energy to read comics, a graphic novel, and flip through Previews. It was in the last one that I spotted these:

Who the hell's collecting these? Seriously! I've spotted an Iron Man statue that I don't want to admit to desiring, and yes, I did purchase the Uni-Formz DC Characters. (And yes, I am going to post something on the statue.)

But these??????

Bayard or Robert will probably like them.

Oh.....almost forgot. I need to follow-up on my Uni-Formz Flash order.

Robert: Not me. Now if the heads popped off and you could use them as marbles maybe. Those things are beyond ugly.


Robert said...

Not for me.

Bayard Sartoris said...

They are ugly--but in a comforting sort of way.

Bayard Sartoris said...

On second thought, the Captian America brings the appropriate amount of ambigious threat for an office desk.

Robert said...

They're hideous.