Friday, April 02, 2010

What the .... Continued!

Since we have now discovered the dark sad side of Bayard, and we already knew of the dark sad side of Robert. (e.g. Mighty Muggs). I thought I would share another "they've gone too far" bobble-head with all of you.

And just as a reminder: NO!

Unless you are cheap. Then they may save you some money around the holidays.

Zimm's Two Cents
I'm not going to even justify one of these with a review. Bring on the statues!!! True art worthy of a my attention.

Hmmm, but this brings up a good point. I need to find a Mighty Mugg and get Bayard's opinion.

Bayard's Thoughts
Yikes. Now, this is creepy. It looks like something from a Puppetmaster movie.

As I feared, they--whoever the they is--stuck with Peter Jackson's vision. Again, I loved the movies, but their Middle Earth was a harsher, darker world than that of Tolkein's novels.

The bobble-head people (or wacky wobbler) would have been much better served--and perhaps even a bit more daring---if they had drawn on Bass and Rankin's Gollum from the 1977 animated version of The Hobbit.

Avoid. And if you are given it as a gift, don't open the box. If there ever was a justification for re-gifting, this is it.

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