Saturday, March 06, 2010

Bishoujo: Phoenix and Dark Phoenix

Both Phoenix and Dark Phoenix! wow. Really, how hard was it to provide Phoenix and Dark Phoenix. (Note sarcasm)

Distributor Marvel
Creator Shunya Yamashita
Size 9"H
Release August 2010
Price $64.99

Zimm's Two Cents
Do I really have to? Can't I just skip this one? I'll admit it. I'm not a fan of the Bishoujo line, but then again, I'm not a teenager.

Points in Favor
  • Great colors.
  • Love the flow. Hair, belt and flames - all are part of the same flow.
  • Got to love the price too. You can find it on sale for $49.99. Click here.
  • Beyond the costume, there are little differences in the pieces. My niece would point out the eyes.
  • At first, I wasn't thrilled with the pose, but after thinking about it, it reminded me of clubbing and someone dancing. (Or is that the insufferable music that Jamie is playing the background.) Either/or - I like it.
Points Against
  • In-plants....again.
Recommendation: Neutral. While this one is just not for me, it still looks like a cute piece. If I had to get one, I would recommend Dark Phoenix. click here.

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