Monday, February 15, 2010

Sideshow Collectibles - Bullseye

I remember when Bullseye was first introduced, and from the very first story, I thought that he had all of the markings of a classic character. Like all characters, they have changed his personality from time to time, but overall - he remains a classic. He has all of the basics needed for a character to remember - costume, ability, and history. That's my way of saying that I like him as a villain.

Distributor Sideshow Collectibles
• Rudy Garcia
• Kat Sapene
• Pascual Wawoe
• Joe Allard
• Jared Chapman
• Adam Smith
• Tom Gilliland
• The Sideshow Collectibles Design and Development Team
Type Polystone Statue
Size 17"H
Release Q3 2010
Price $219.00
Zimm's Two Cents Points in Favor
  • As always with the Sideshow Statues, detail, detail, detail. Look at the throwing knives.
  • Coloring - Simple and on point.
  • Usually where they lose me is with the face - not here. Very Nice.
  • Great pose for the character.
Points Against
  • Only the base. Simple, but still on point.
Recommendation: I have to give this one the thumbs up on a Hot Buy. He will definitely look good staring down at you or any other statues that you might have.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Usually the Sideshow Comiquettes come in theme-pairs, right? Like Venom and the upcoming Carnage. Have you heard anything about a upcoming Daredevil comiquette, now that Bullseye and Elektra are out? If so, it will be hard to beat the Bowen DD statue with the Gargoyle from last year! :-)