Friday, November 06, 2009

Bowen Designs: Gladiator Statue

Produced by Bowen Designs
Sculpted by Jason Smith and Randy Bowen (base)
Size 18" H
Type Statue
Ship Date Feb 2010
Retail Price $250.00

Zimm's Two Cents
This is a BEAUTIFUL piece. I have had my eyes on this piece for quite a while, as Bowen posted some early sneak peaks on In fact, this was the statue that made me quit visiting the site so much, as I was too anxious to see the final product.

To be honest, I have not been that inspired by that many statues as of late, but this piece is why I collect in the first place.

Points in Favor
  • Incredible Pose. How arrogant can the Gladiator get!
  • Love the colors, and it looks like there is some metallic blue paint being used in parts.
  • I actually like the face. I've said it before - I'm picky, but this one works for me.
  • I like the little things. The cloak. The belt.
  • It is someone other then Spider-man, Daredevil, Ironman, etc.
Points Against
  • Does anyone really have that many muscles in their stomach? Since he is alien, I guess it is easier for him.
  • I don't know what the base is going to look like; however, Randy is the one working on it. Sooooooo.......
Recommendation: Hot Buy! RED Hot Buy! Drooooooooooool.

Robert's Two Cents
It's very nice and a character that I'm actually interested in. I've always been a fan of Gladiator and most of the characters in the Shi'ar empire.

Points in Favor
  • It's great to see more Randy Bowen sculpts.
  • Paint is phenomenal.
  • The costume is spot on.
Points Against
  • I wasn't impressed by the glimpses we've had of the base. It's kinda plain.
  • The face. He should look even more intense. Gladiator is one of the few people in the universe who can make Cyclops seem relaxed.
Recommendation: Buy! It's another of the characters that not very many people are going to care about, but it's well sculpted and has great colors and paints. I'm not 100% crazy about the face. It's probably not stern enough for me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I too agree with you; out of all the statue that bowen have designed this has to be the best looking one yet. I have pre-ordered mine.

The only other statue I have is the Iron Man Hulkbuster, as that is quite stunning in the flesh.