Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Bowen Designs: Blazing Skull

Produced by Bowen Designs
Sculpted by Randy Bowen
Size 7"H
Type Bust
Ship Feb 2010
Retail Price $75.00

Zimm's Two Cents
With this being a Website Exclusive, the number of releases on this is going to be a lot lower than usual.

Points in Favor
  • The detail - but this is Randy, so I kind-of expected it to have the detail.
  • The skulls at the bottom of the bust.
  • The skull. While I enjoyed the Ghost Rider skulls, I like this one a little bit more. This one has the creepiness that I would expect from a skull
  • Colors. The flames look really good with the Blazing Skull's costume.
Points Against
  • While the skulls are at the bottom of the base, the rest of the base seems rather bland.
Recommendation: Buy - because it is a Bowen piece, I know that it is going to be a good addition to any collection.

Robert's Two Cents
Sweet! It's not a character I care about in the least. The only thing I ever read with him was some of the more recent Invaders relaunch. But I wish the Ghost Rider busts looked this cool and I really like them.

Points in Favor
  • The details.
  • The flames. They really show through his head. You could believe his skull is aflame.
  • Very realistic looking skull.
  • The base is mildly interesting, but it's done in a way to complement the piece without overwhelming the rest of the bust.
Points Against
  • The torso. The proportions seem a bit off.
  • I know so little about the Blazing Skull, it's not funny. I had to go read his Wikipedia entry to remember where I had seen him before.
Recommendation: Buy - With it being a website exclusive and the detail work make this one a decent collectible and if you have a real love for the character, it's a great representation.

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