Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Bowen Designs: Black Panther Classic statue

Produced By
Bowen Designs
Sculpted By Jason Smith
Size 12"H
Type Statue
Release March 2010
Retail Price $160

Zimm's Two Cents
I was lucky enough to get the Randy Bowen Black Panther from phase II, but this piece is sweet. I'm really enjoying Jason's work. Additionally, which is the only reason that I am holding off for the note, Bowen Designs stated, "That an alternate version will be offered at a later date."

Do I wait? I have seen the upcoming alternative version for Ant-Man.

Points in Favor
  • Nice job on the sculpting. It is the little things that make it stand out. Gloves, belt, fingernails.
  • The Stomach is realistic in how his 'six pack' looks.
  • Impressive piece, which is making me look for more of Jason's work.
Points Against
  • Not much of a base.
Recommendation: Buy, definitive Buy. If you don't have a Black Panther yet, then think about gabbing this one. The only thing that would make this piece look even better is if it was Faux Bronze.

Did you hear me, Randy? FAUX BRONZE.

Robert's Two Cents
I like the one from phase II better. Also, what's up with the alternative version being released later?

Points in Favor
  • Nice sculpt.
  • Good job with the costume. There are subtleties to Black Panther's costume and he did a good job capturing them. He even made the stripes on BP's gloves make sense.
Points Against
  • The whole concept of alternative piece being released later. Plus having seen pictures of the alternative sculpt at statuemarvels.com, I like it better.
  • Black Panther should have more action in him. He didn't do a bad job with it. He could have put a bit more spring in the pose.
  • He looks like he should be wearing a cape.
Recommendation: Neutral, I like it, but even a museum style Black Panther should be in a slightly more action pose. I also agree with Zimm on the Faux Bronze, but use the earlier sculp.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very nice work I looks very athletic although a more striking pose is needed, shuld have look at the old omics for ispiration i.e. te caption in the corner of comics him posing on a tree branch boots are a little too short.

7 out f 10.