Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Kotobukiya: Thor

Kotobukiya presents the first in a 3 part series that will include Captain America and Iron Man. These pieces are based on the come back of the original Avengers, and I know that we can hardly wait for them to kick the Dark Avengers' butt.

Manufacturer DC Direct
Designed by Kotobukiya
Sculpted by Shinya Akao
Type Statue
Dimensions 12"H
Release 1st quarter 2010
Retail price $199.99
Sale pricing $159.99-$179.99

Zimm's Two Cents
As of today, I have not seen a Kotobukiya statue that I HAD to purchase, and while I like this piece, this is not a piece that I HAVE to purchase.

Points in Favor
  • The detail on this piece are AWESOME. The chain-mail alone is something that I could stare at for hours, but when you look at the tunic, belt, boots, and cracks in the hammer, that is when you will fall in love with this.
  • I like the face. Usually, I preferred the masked heroes, as faces tend to be something that some sculptors have difficulty with, but not this one.
  • The paint job on this ROCKS! Look at the dirty boots, the shadows in the cape, and the skin tone.
  • The base will like together with Captain America's and Iron Man's bases.
Points Against
  • I'm not too certain on the collectivity of the Kotobukiya line.
Recommendation: Hot Buy. Originally, I was not that certain about this piece, but when you look at the detail, the pain, and the idea that it will be part of a bigger motif, you know you want it.

Robert's Two Cents
Why did it have to be the current Thor costume. I hate that costume.

Points in Favor
  • It's a brilliant sculpt. The details are phenomenal.
  • The paint job is great. As Zimm points out they've made the paint job look about as realistic as you would want a comic book character to be.
  • I'm intrigued as to what it will look like with a Captain America and an Iron Man together.
Points Against
  • I hate, hate, HATE the face. It looks like the Governator playing Thor. And that's an image I never wanted. It's not Kotobukiya's fault, that's what he looks like in some of the more recent comics.
  • The cape doesn't seem to be flowing quite right.
Recommendation:Neutral. I get it and if you've been waiting for a triptych set of the Avengers' big three, it might be worth the investment or if you really love the current run on Thor. Otherwise, nah.

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