Monday, October 05, 2009

Imaginext Super Friends Batcave

Watching Nicktoons all weekend long is one of the best ways to stumble upon new and cool toys.

Labeled the DC Super Friends Batcave Super Set leaves a lot to be desired. I don't see the Super Friends; however, I do see Batman, Robin, Joker and Penguin. If they do add the Super Friends and other Villains into this series, this could eventually end up being one of the better DC hero sets to collect. The set includes some pretty awesome additions and is rather reasonably priced. Some of the things that caught my attention included:
  • Mr. Freeze's Freeze Chamber
  • Rather Awesome Batcave
  • Joker Van
To name a few.

I looked for the video to show how cool this set is, but for now, you will have to settle for a pic.

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