Superboy is back. Wonder Girl is having lunch with him. Lex Luthor is seen poking around in the shadows. This looks like it may turn into a good read. Pull
Action Comics #881
Not really enjoying this series. In fact, the only "Super" based story that I am slightly interested in is the "Suberboy" Adventure Comics. Drop.
Agents of Atlas #11
This this book still going on? I may need to research to see if it is up for cancellation yet. I dropped this book a while back and have seen no real reason to pick it back up. Stay Dropped
Blackest Night (#3 of 8)
By far, the best crossover this year. While I have peaked at the villain, the story still offers enough to keep me guessing on how everything is going to be resolved. Continue to Pull.
New Mutants #5
Okay, tad bit of favoritism here, which is why this one is on my Pull list; however, the first story-arc focused on Legion. Classic team with classic villain. Nice.
Outsiders #22
I picked up #21, and it left no interest in me reading #22. Good concept; however, I think the story is lacking a true 'overall' direction, which means it will stay dropped.
Red Robin #4
This has hinted at being a good book. My problem has been accepting Tim Drake as Red Robin. I enjoyed him as Robin, but now with him being Red Robin, everyone else is older. However, Ra's al Ghul is involved, which is always interesting when done right. This one is on the fence for me. I may pull 1 or 2 to see what I think.
Uncanny X-Men #515
I believe that this is the episode that Beast leaves the team to be part of another group. I haven't been that thrilled with the direction of the team for quite a while, so this stays on the Dropped list.
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