Tuesday, September 29, 2009

DC Dynamics: Batman Statue

DC Direct offers another piece from the DC Dynamics four part earth, water, wind and fire series designed by Tim Bruckner. So far, I thought that the Aquaman piece was spot on, while Robert had some trepidations about the piece. As for the Wonder Woman, you can check out our thoughts here....
Manufacturer DC Direct
Designed by Tim Bruckner
Sculpted by Tim Bruckner
Type Statue
Dimensions 11"h x 7" w x 5" d
Release Date May 2010
Retail Price $195.00

Zimm's Two Cents
I'm on the fence about this one. As there are some nice aspects about this piece, I think this piece is one that definitely needs the other 3 pieces to look right.

Points in Favor
  • Good Detail. The best place to see it is in the belt.
  • I like the face; however, when did Batman get a dimple in his chin? Has he always had one? But the face and exaggerated mask ears ad some characters.
  • Simple colors and a nice paint job make this piece stand out.
Points Against
  • While I love how the bottom of the cape flows, I don't necessarily like the pointed types of the cape. (Never have been)
  • The rock looks more like smoke then earth. I understand that he is supposed to be rising up from smoke, but something rocky would have been my preference.
Recommendation: It has a lot of detail, some good paint, and a great expression for Batman. I'm truly Neutral on this one - good enough to collect, but I would have to buy all four to want this one.

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