Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Ame-Comi: Wonder Woman v2

Ame-Comi released two more figures in their ongoing PVC Figures.

Produced By DC Direct
Designed By Dustin Nguyen
Sculpted By Jack Mathews
Type PVC statue
Size 8.75"H
Ship April 2010
Price $60.00

Zimm's Two Cent's
What happened? I was enjoying the majority of this series, and then this one showed up. This one may be a personal preference, but very little about it screams Wonder Woman.

Points in Favor
  • The axe looks good. Truthfully, I prefer the sword, but the axe is a great change.
  • Great colors - but Ame-Comi tends to be consistent in this area. Who knew that Wonder Woman spent so much time on her toenails.
  • As you have a choice of the hair being up or down, the down one reminds me of Linda Carter.
Points Against
  • The gorgon head is lacking. From the face, to the snakes, to the blood.
  • Not a big fan of the Princess Leia based costume. I'm probably an exception here, as Star War fans everywhere should love this. Lynda Carter in a Princess Leia outfit, but I don't see this as something that she would have worn into battle against a gorgon.
  • Very little of the "Ame-Comi" feel that the other pieces have. Especially in the eyes.
Recommendation: Pass. Unless you love Wonder Woman and Princess Leia and have always wanted them combined, this one is not as enticing as Ame-Comi's first Wonder Woman.

Robert's Two Cent's
This one is a bit of a contradiction for me. I will say I much prefer the original Wonder Woman Ame Comi over this one, but I really do like this one. The devil's in the details.

Points in Favor
  • It's based on a design by Dustin Nguyen. He's a phenomenal artist and this piece screams with his touch.
  • The design of the logo on the chest piece is really cool. I also like the embellishments on her bracelets. Both are very nice touches.
  • I think I prefer the hair up version for some reason.
  • This is one of those pieces where I'd really like to hear her story. She looks a bit Asian to me but she's holding the Medusa/gorgon head. Is there a dichotomy or were the features of her face made Asian because this is supposed to be the mangaized DC characters? I really would like to hear more.
Points Against
  • If I stare at it too long, I may turn to stone.
  • I don't love the costume. However, like I said above I do like all of the little embellishments.
  • I don't like the one boot thing she has going one. We haven't asked yet, but I don't think Zimm's niece is going to like the shoes.
  • The axe is cool. I'd prefer a sword, but I get that they didn't want to do that again.
  • Shouldn't she have a mirrored shield too?
Recommendation: Qualified Buy. If I didn't already have the first Wonder Woman, I'd be all over this one. The first one is a better piece on many levels. This is cool and has a lot of personality and Dustin Nguyen is one of the best comic book artists on the planet. The original screams Wonder Woman more. This one could be any mythology based heroine.


Robert said...

Would you still dislike this one, if you had not seen the original one?

mordicai said...

To me, this is much less Princess Leia & much more a Frazetta homage, much more a pulp swords & sorcery-- or swords & spaceships-- outfit. She'd look right at home beating the crap out of John Carter of Mars, or with her boot heel on Conan's neck.

Robert said...

Interesting. I didn't really see Frazetta when looking at it, but I can see the possible influences now that you mention it.

Blogz said...

How can i get the long hair as this look???