Monday, July 20, 2009

Blackest Night #1

Greetings, all!

Finally ready to start my reviews, now that everything has finally calmed down. (That's what happens when someone is trying to sue the pants off of you!)

I'm starting with a bang, and reviewing Blackest Night #1.

Unlike DC's previous crossovers and big events (Infinite Crisis, Final Crisis, 52, Countdown), this was an enjoyable read. First of all, it has undead, which is always a guaranteed seller. Secondly, in the first book a major force in the DC universe and two semi-important characters are killed! Thirdly, we get to see some great character development and interaction between Hal Jordan and Barry Allen. The book does a great job of getting the uninitiated to care about Barry Allen.

The artwork was really well-done, too. The coloring does a great job at making previous DC characters, formerly noble heroes, into creepy, enraged cosmically-powered undead.

In short, Blackest Night #1 has everything a comic book reader is looking for. Good story, good art, and a hook to get you to keep reading.

Get this book and read it. You'll thank me, and you'll thank yourself.

Stay well,

B. Caleb Goodson


Robert said...

I have a confession. I haven't read Blackest Night. I've become very disenchanted with both Marvel & DC's super hero titles.

You give it very high praise, so I very nearly am willing to change my mind.

Geoff Johns is writing that isn't he? While, I'm not a fan of most of his work, there are some things he does better than almost anyone else in comics, like big over the top super hero action (kinda like the Michael Bay of comics). The first half of his run on JSA was some of my all time favorite super hero comics. He has brought back the pre Crisis Legion of Super-Heroes, so he's not all bad. He's just not one of my favorites.

Unknown said...

Give this one a chance. You'll be pleasantly surprised.

Unknown said...

This, in my opinion (so far), is the crossover story of the year. I already want to see the ramifications!!!