Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Green Lantern: First Flight maquette

DC release another of their heroes to coincide with the upcoming Green Lantern: First Flight DVD. When one starts thinking about this, you really need to buy both the statues and the DVD, so that you can set the statue behind the DVD.

Produced By DC Direct
Artist Jim Shoop
Size 9" H x 4.25" W x 4.75" D
Type Cold-Cast Porcelain Maquette
Edition Size 4000
Release Date July 2009
Price $89.99

Zimm's Two Cents
I'm glad to see that this corresponds to the DVD release; however, I'm still not very pleased with this statue. I know that the statue matches and supports the DVD but still.....
Points in Favor
  • Colors
Points Against
  • He doesn't scream "Hal Jordan! Green Lantern!"
  • Muscles in the right arm look funny.
  • Lantern on his chest doesn't stand out enough - in my opinion.
Recommendation: Pass. I know that he matches the DVD character, but they just release the Uni-Formz Green Lantern, which would go great with the Batman and Superman Uni-Formz.

Robert's Two Cents
I don't like the changes they've made to Hal Jordan's costume. It's not that different. I just don't like it.
Points in Favor
  • Eh! Not much.
  • Price.
Points Against
  • He looks like he's screaming "Khaaaaannnnnnn!!!!!"
  • The pose is just off.
  • I don't like it.
Recommendation: Pass. I'd rather have the previous GL statue (The one with the cloth costume and Ch'p

1 comment:

Unknown said...

And that cloth one was BAD!