Monday, March 02, 2009

Barbie Famous Friends Supergirl Doll

Why does Zimm assign all the Barbie pieces to me? Hopefully, it's because I have a daughter.

This is a neat line. You can usually find them on clearance at Toys R Us if you wait long enough. My favorite so far has been the Black Canary. My daughter likes the Batgirl.

Produced By: Mattel/DC Heroes Toys
Dimensions: 36 24 34 if memory serves
Type: Doll
Ship Date: February 2009
Estimated Price: $50.99 ($49.75 at Westfield Comics)

Robert's Two Cents

Points In Favor:
  • She's a good looking Barbie. By that I mean the design fits the character she's portraying.
  • The Supergirl costume is spot on for the current design of Supergirl.
Points Against
  • Price. I'd be curious to see actual production numbers on this piece.
  • She's a Barbie Doll.
Recommendation: Buy! If you're a Barbie Collector or have a comic book geek daughter or niece or sister, you gotta have this if you haven't bought the previous Supergirl Barbies (including the Linda Danvers version with the white shirt). If not, then move along and this post doesn't really exist. It's just a figment of your imagination.

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