Sunday, February 01, 2009

Torchwood Season 3

Season 3 is set for a Summer 2009 release; however (and here is the bad news), it is scheduled to be only 5 episodes long. I hope that I am wrong, as this has been one of the few Dr. Who spin-offs that I have followed.

Robert: So, Zimm, exactly how many Doctor Who spin offs have you watched?

This is a mini series all supposed to run in one week. It's meant to bridge the gaps between seasons and give them time to figure out the direction Torchwood will take in the future. There were rumors that Martha Jones and Mickey would join the team, but with Agyemon taking a role in the ITV version of Law & Order, that's unlikely now.

Also, Captain Jack's role is rumored to be diminishing in the future. Not sure why, Barrowman really seems to enjoy the role and how many omni sexual characters are there?

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