Friday, February 06, 2009

Buffy, The Vampire Slayer

One of my all-time favorite TV shows was "Buffy, the Vampire Slayer." To this day, I think the show had some of the best writing, stories, and characters. Recently, Tracy Mark Lee started "tooning" the television series, and here is Buffy!

Produced By: Tracy Mark Lee's Tooned Up Television Series
Dimensions: 10" Tall
Type: Polystone Statue
Edition Size: 1,000
Ship Date: February 2009
Estimated Price: $99.00

While I am my be focusing my statue collection primarily on the comic genre, Buffy has been converted into an awesome comic series from Dark Horse with Tim Burton at the helm.

I'm debating on whether to start collecting these, but here is Willow (available now) and Dark Willow (available April 2009).

: If you are as big of a Buffy fan (as I am), then this are likely a BUY!

Robert's Two Cents: I've never been a big fan of Buffy, but these are pretty nice.

Points in Favor:
  • Good design.
  • Paint looks good.
  • Price.
  • I do like that weapon that Buffy is wielding.

Points Against:
  • I'm not a big fan of Buffy. I liked what I watched, but I never got hooked.
Recommendation: If you like Buffy, Buy, otherwise Pass. For the price, these are great.

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