Thursday, February 12, 2009

Bowen Designs: Blaastar Mini-Bust

Another mini-bust from Troy McDevitt, and I am starting to really appreciate his work. While on one of his statues, I questioned his choice of colors (and finally realized something about the character), and on another choice, Robert simply excited by the marvel character. However - in all of these sculptings, Troy has shown his skill as a true artist.

Produced By: Bowen Designs
Sculpted By: Troy McDevitt
Dimensions: Over 6" Tall
Type: Mini-Bust
Edition Size: Extremely Limited Website exclusive
Ship Date: June 2009
Estimated Price: $65.00

Zimm's Two Cents
Although I may not be that big of a Fantastic Four fan, I have always gotten a kick out of the concept and powers of Blaastar. His name says it all.
Points in Favor
  • You can see his fingers within the blasts.
  • From my personal opinion, Troy was able to depict his personality in his face.
Points Against
  • Not a big fan of the base of the bust.
  • Paint on the arms looks really "splotchy" or looks really like "air brush spots".
Recommendation: Neutral. I like Troy's work, and I like the hands, but my not being that big of a Blaastar fan and the base seems to be missing something for me.

Robert's Two Cents
I'm surprised to find out the Blastaar is a villain that Zimm is a fan of. Yes, his name says it all. That's it. He blasts. I've always found him to be boring. Annihilus on the other hand...

Points in Favor:
  • Looks like a nice sculpt.
  • The blast effect is great.
Points Against:
  • While it is a nice sculpt and it does look like Blastaar and he is blasting, it looks more like an angry Kalibak (with the wrong paint color) or something.
Recommendation: Neutral I guess. I just don't feel that strongly. It's nicely sculpted. The paint's OK. If I had started a collection of Fantastic Four villain busts, I'd buy it, but otherwise, probably not.

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