Thursday, November 20, 2008

Fables The Covers

OK, I'm not a fan of Fables the beloved series by Bill Willingham and I'm OK with that. Really I am.

However, Fables has the most awesome and beautiful covers of any comic series in recent memory, tied possibly with Umbrella Academy. Fables and Umbrella Academy are covered by fan favorite cover artist James Jean. This book, Fables Covers by James Jean is a collection of his covers. This book is beautiful. It includes a collection of Jean's covers and the preliminary artwork done in preparation of the finished covers.

Run, don't walk, and buy this. Or make with the clicky clicky below.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I would love to tell my brother about this series; however, I made the mistake of giving the first two TPBs to my niece a year or so ago. OOOOPS.

Therefore, I may wait until he is deaf to tell him about it.